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Omslagsbild för At The Sign of The Jack O'Lantern
Isbn: 978-91-7639-224-9
Förlag: Saga Egmont
Romaner Engelskspråkiga Historiska faksimil
Tillgänglig sedan: januari 2015
Uppläsare: Daryl Wor
Length: 7 timmar 8 minuter


At The Sign of The Jack O'Lantern

This novel begins with an odd inheritance at the end of a honeymoon, both parties being inexperienced. Then someone comes to visit, then another, until we've got a chaotic bedlam of New England's tragically off the wall odd-ball relations. Our protagonists may not communicate efficiently at first but at least they've got a sense of humours. The humourous style keeps up as well as some moments of lustre and rich feeling about the printed word itself.

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