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Omslagsbild för The Man Who Made Mercuri a World Leader. Curt Abrahamsson and Mercuri Inte
Isbn: 978-91-8739-101-9
Förlag: Ekerlids Förlag
Ekonomi & marknadsföring
Tillgänglig sedan: december 2012


The Man Who Made Mercuri a World Leader. Curt Abrahamsson and Mercuri Inte

Curt Abrahamsson. Who is that? Never heard of him?” This is

the beginning of an article by journalist Karl-Erik Sveiby in the

magazine Ledarskap in spring 1991.

“Remember the name,” he wrote. “He will eventually rank as one

of Sweden’s greatest entrepreneurs during the postwar period.”

It has now been over 20 years since that article was written and

Mercuri is still a world leader. Yet Curt Abrahamsson is just as


Karl-Erik Sveiby, currently Professor in Knowledge Management

at Hanken, the Swedish School of Economics and Business

Administration in Helsinki, still considers Curt Abrahamsson to

be among Sweden’s greatest entrepreneurs in the knowledge business.

“But he saw no value at all in promoting himself.”

Curt Abrahamsson spent 40 years building Mercuri International

into a world leader in sales training and consulting. He was a

strong leader, but never told employees what to do. Yet they all

knew what he expected.

This book is about his successful leadership and how he developed

new sales models that many major multinationals still use.


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